Thursday, January 15, 2009


I finally got a couple of albums that i've had my eyes on for a while, thanks to uncle Lek Chong who's back here for a visit from the States. These CD's are unavailable locally and even if it is imported in it would easily cost anything from RM78.00 - RM101.00 (per CD). Therefore, I am utterly pleased and thankful.

* I can imagine my uncle in his pleated khaki shorts and striped polo-T walking into a record shop at the mercy of a heavily pierced and tattooed bald dude. hmmm...

BUT he went to BORDERS.
How awesome is that? BORDERS!? -like that'll ever happen here.

A BIG TQ to aunty Joyce for making the calls to Borders to check for stock availability.
I like the way things work over there. Everything you need is a phone call away and the person picking up the phone at the other end isn't Mr. XYZ who doesn't speak english.

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