Thursday, October 8, 2009

beeep beep BEP

Matthew Chong? at a Black Eyed Peas concert!?
Yes, it sounds un-appropriate but I did go.


Frankly, i appreciate the bands views on music and the industry very much. I admire how they have handled and embraced the change in the industry.

Furthermore, have you heard "I Got A Feeling" ? - it's awesome.
There's something about this song, in terms of music structure.

[ G C Em C ] isn't a common progression for a electro pop song. It takes you on a very pleasant dreamy high with the [G]'s and [C]'s while the [Em] adds a certain intensity to the song. It all falls together brilliantly.
However, this song doesn't sound very much like a pure BEP effort. That's because it was produced by David Guetta.

I think i can safely say that i've hopped on
the Black Eyed Peas
band wagon.


Lee Timothy said...

lol that cool. bein looks like he's blocking the BEP's. lol. use I Gotta Feeling as my alarm clock XD supposed to psyche me up for the day. as if. lol

Matthew Bryan Chong said...

Yea, bein's blocking fergie.... haha. who's this btw?

Lee Timothy said...

lol its tim. yeah. he looks big in the picture. bigger than the BEP' thing bout the BEP is they kinda do their own thing which is cool cuz they'll always changing and coming up with new stuff

Matthew Bryan Chong said...

exactly, that's why i like them. anything interesting happened to you in UK? like church? racist remarks? concert? haha