Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Misery Signals live @ MCPA Hall KL

(the first two pictures are HEREAFTER and the are rest Misery Signals)

Air-Con @ a metal gig + Small Crowd + Awesome Band Merch.

= A pretty Good Time

The Malay Mail lied! there wasn't 600 people there!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunburst '09 (2)

I was almost dreading the concert because of the scorching afternoon sun but much to my suprise the weather was beautiful at the concert site. &ONLY the concert site. The sun was up and shining but the whole place was sort of shaded. There was a thoughtfully placed hill to block the sun. haha.

Pictures in chronological order:

So was it worth it? well, despite all the Korn hype, I would have to say that N.E.R.D. were the better live band. They gave a 100%, where else I personally felt Korn were predictable and self-absorbed, which i guess did do them justice in terms of delivering their genre of music, which was very overwhelming.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunburst '09 (1)

and suddenly i'm utteЯly pleased with myself foЯ buying the eaЯly biЯd tickets. Some might descЯibe it as going on a blind date and I would agЯee.

TomoЯЯow i'll be watching a band that i wouldn't exactly say i'm a huge fan of but i did wЯite an essay and did an oЯal pЯesentation about them in foЯm3; the band that bЯought you singles like Blind, A.D.I.D.A.S., FЯeak on a Leash and many otheЯ number one singles that neveЯ made it to Malaysian Яadio aiЯwaves (for obvious reasons).

The idea of it still seems so distant.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Have Heart, SEA Tour


Misery Signals, to go or not to go?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jamiroquai? Malaysia?

"Jamiroquai are confirmed to play a gig at the Malaysian Grand Prix on April 5th.
" - jamiroquai.com

enough said.