Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunburst '09 (1)

and suddenly i'm utteЯly pleased with myself foЯ buying the eaЯly biЯd tickets. Some might descЯibe it as going on a blind date and I would agЯee.

TomoЯЯow i'll be watching a band that i wouldn't exactly say i'm a huge fan of but i did wЯite an essay and did an oЯal pЯesentation about them in foЯm3; the band that bЯought you singles like Blind, A.D.I.D.A.S., FЯeak on a Leash and many otheЯ number one singles that neveЯ made it to Malaysian Яadio aiЯwaves (for obvious reasons).

The idea of it still seems so distant.

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